The HACFO Mandate
The Hausa Christians Foundation (HACFO) is an indigenous Mission Ministry primarily reaching the Hausa Land, Northern Nigeria, Nigeria and the World at large.
Our Vision


Our Vision
To bring hope to our hopeless people, courage to the fearful, boldness to contend for our faith in Christ and rebuild the tenacity in the Hausa Christians in Nigeria to face the future without fear or doubt thereby raising as well as equipping men and women of the Hausa Christians for the work of the Ministry. In addition to reaching out to the Unreached Hausa People Group with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Reaffirming our existence, our origin, and our identity; advocating for justice and religious freedom and to mobilize a productive workforce and resources for Missions in the Hausa Land so we equip and protect the Hausa Christians as well as reach those Hausas that are not saved with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Purpose
To liberate the oppressed Christians by especially becoming a voice for the emancipation of the Hausa Christians in Nigeria from all forms of marginalization and to equip them for the Master's Work thereby creating an enabling environment for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to reach the entire Hausa Land of Nigeria.
Our Missions are:
- Reaffirming our existence, our origin, and our identity; advocating for justice and religious freedom and to mobilize a productive workforce and resources for Missions in the Hausa Land, so we equip and protect the Hausa Christians as well as reach those Hausas that are not saved with the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The mission strategy of the Hausa Christians Foundation (HACFO) mandate according to Act 1:8 is that the Hausa Land is our Jerusalem, Northern Nigeria our Judea, Nigeria our Samaria and Africa and the Whole World is our the outermost part of the world.
- The True-North Vision Outreach is therefore the Judea phase of the HACFO mandate to preach the Gospel of the kingdom to the entire Northern Nigeria.
- Preaching and witnessing to the entire Northern Nigeria with the Gospel of the Kingdom as we usher in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Raising a Mission minded workforce in the unity of faith to reach the entire tribes and people with the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout Northern Nigeria.
- Uniting, edifying and perfecting the Body of Christ in Northern Nigeria and reaching to all the unreached of northern Nigeria.
- We do all these through Missions, Advocacy, Education and Empowerment Programs, Health and Human Services, and Media.
Our Missions are:
Our Core Values
- Fulfilling the Great Commission through Strategic Missions
- Setting the Captives Free from the Operations of the Devil through Mental and Spiritual Empowerment
- We anchored our entire activities on our faith in Christ Jesus as the Son of God and the Saviour of the World, and the supremacy of God's word over and above everything.
- We believe that all people are created equal irrespective of religion, gender or tribe, and so it is illegal to oppress any one. We hate injustice of whatever form.
- We are committed to the cause of our freedom of worship, rights and privileges.
- We will not compromise our faith and vision due to pressure or pleasure.